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Cache and Cache Remove Aspect

Preliminary information#

DevArchitecture comes with support for Microsoft Memory Cache and Redis Cache. It comes pre-defined with Microsoft Memory Cache as it does not require any installation.

To change its usage, go to Core -> Dependency Resolvers -> Core Module.cs class in Core Layer.

Add using Core.CrossCuttingConcerns.Caching.Microsoft;

services.AddSingleton<ICacheManager, MemoryCacheManager>();


Add using Core.CrossCuttingConcerns.Caching.Redis;

services.AddSingleton<ICacheManager, RedisCacheManager>();

The library required for CacheAspect and CacheRemoveAspcect Attributes comes from the Core Layer. For the reference library, the following line is added between the usings.

using Core.Aspects.Autofac.Caching;

Using Cache Aspect#

Cache Aspects are used as Attributes on Handle methods in Query classes located under Business -> Handlers -> 'ClassName' -> Queries folder.

It is especially recommended to use for return type IEnumerable and its subtypes (List, Array etc.). Its use is shown on the image below.

It takes an int value named duration as a parameter in the CacheAspect attribute. This value is 60 minutes by default. The duration can be increased or decreased according to the importance of the method on which it is used and the requirements of the architectural design.

Using Cache Remove Aspect#

CacheRemoveAspects are used as Attributes on Handle methods in Command classes located under Business -> Handlers -> 'ClassName' -> Commands folder.

This method takes a pattern as a string indicating that it will scan the "Get" methods of the relevant class. It finds the marked values of these methods on the cache, deletes them and adds them back to the cache mechanism. In this way, the newly added, updated and deleted records are cached again.

authors: Kerem VARIŞ, Veli GÖRGÜLÜ