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Creating a Module (RDBMS)

Relational Database#

If a relational database (RDBMS) entity object is to be created in the Code First approach, it should be created under the Concrete folder in the Entities layer.

The following conditions must be met for the DevArchitecture Code Generator to work.

  • When using a relational database, the class created is expected to implement the IEntity Interface.
  • The class should not be inherited from a class with any properties.
  • No constructor should be defined in the class.
  • No overrides should be made in the class.
  • The class name should not be the same as the file name.

DevArchitecture Code Generator will understand that you want to work with a relational database and accordingly the code generator will generate the relevant methods and classes. Example class writing for relational database is presented as follows.

Right click on this created class and enter the DevArchitecture Code Generator Menu.

Click on DevArchitectureFw Generate All Layers.

Wait a few seconds for the required classes, methods and configurations to be created for all layers.

DataAccess Layer#

ProjectDbContext Class#

Defining DbSet into DataAccess->Concrete->EntityFramework->Contexts->ProjectDbContext is done automatically.

If there is a need for Migration at the end of this process, the Migration process is started. (See Migration Management)

Business Layer#

Startup Class#

Register operation required for Autofac to Business->Startup.cs class is configured here. This is also where the Development, Staging, Production environment variables are managed. Configuration for all environment variables is defined by DevArchitecture Code Generator.

This class is also used to determine which database the system will work with.

By default, the ConfigureDevelopmentServices method is configured to work with InMemoryDb. No changes are required.

By default, the ConfigureStagingServices method is configured to work with PostgreSql.

If MsSql is desired to be used, it is used as follows.

By default, the ConfigureProductionServices method is configured to work with PostgreSql.

If MsSql is desired to be used, it is used as follows.

Handler Folder#

CQRS-based system methods and validation definitions are created here. All methods for the created class are accessed as follows. When a new method is needed, DevArchitecture Code Generator template methods are created by right-clicking on the class object under the relevant folder.

WebAPI Layer#

This layer is the first entry point for communication with the outside world. All operations defined in the Handlers in the Business layer are automatically defined here. Unless a new method is added to the Controllers, there is no special mechanism.

If you want to enrich the Api documentation, it will be useful for developers who will use the Api to write the Summarys on the Controllers.

The newly created module is now ready to use when the screenshot below is accessed.

authors: Kerem VARIŞ, Veli GÖRGÜLÜ